Everyone is different and different people have different drives and fears. Some people feel self-conscious in a gym environment or have physical limitations that make getting to the gym difficult. Some have difficulty getting motivated when they are alone and work best with the social interaction of the gym environment.
Personal training in your home allows for a more private environment with fewer distractions. The trainer can often help you find ways to improve your fitness level using furnishings and simple equipment in your home. In-home training helps you establish your home as a “fit zone” — a place that helps to increase your fitness level.
Other people prefer the social or competitive aspects of training in a gym. A gym will typically have a greater selection of equipment and exercise options than a home. The broader selection can help eliminate training boredom and allows for more targeted training.
A personal training studio bridges the gap between home and gym training by providing more training options than a home, while offering a more private environment than a gym.