Son of Thunder Fitness offers Personalized Strength Training to help individuals develop life skills to improve health and fitness. While we work with clients of all ages from youth through senior adults, our specialty is helping adults reclaim and increase muscle lost due to natural aging and illness.
By avoiding fad routines and by using time tested strategies for increasing muscle mass we seek to reduce excess body fat, help balance hormone levels, reduce risk of illness, and help everyday living become easier, less painful, and more enjoyable. Our strategy is:
- Assess the situation
- Current strengths, weaknesses, health, fitness history, concerns, and goals
- Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire
- Health history
- Circumference, body composition, and muscle quality Measurements
- Balance, flexibility, and strength testing (depending on age and fitness level of client.)
- Increase Muscle mass – to reverse the muscle loss cycle
- Use resistance exercises to reverse the muscle loss cycle
- Tailor exercises to the individual’s strength, condition, experience, and goals
- Start slow and build over time to prevent injury and minimize pain
- Develop a nutrition plan that focusses on and supports muscle growth
- Improve Muscle balance – to protect joints
- Work opposing muscle groups to protect joints
- Remember the “left out” muscles that aren’t strengthened by everyday activity
- Encourage replacing unhealthy oils in the diet with healthy oils
- Create Muscle Symmetry – to improve functional balance
- Use “unilateral” exercises so that left and right muscles are brought into symmetry
- Optimize Muscle and joint flexibility – to reduce chances of injury and improve daily living
- Use full range of motion in exercises to trick the body into stretching (this really works!)
- Utilize myofascial release strategies as needed
- Build Cardiovascular health – to help facilitate a long life
- Incorporate healthy activities into everyday life to improve cardiovascular health.
During training sessions, the focus is on specific resistance training designed to grow muscle and maximize functionality to improve every-day life. During sessions I will also give nutritional recommendations and direction on best cardio strategies.
Training Sessions
Training sessions fall into three categories: Personal Training, Partner/Small Group Training, and Corporate Training. Unless otherwise indicated, each session is 50 minutes and typically includes warm up, workout, and cool down portions.
For maximum benefit, clients should plan on at least two sessions per week and preferably three to four per week for the first three months.
The first session the client has with the trainer includes a health and fitness assessment and is typically a one-on-one session. (You can download the forms here and complete them and bring them to your first session.) This session reviews appropriate medical history, sports and fitness background, and current concerns. The client's goals are determined and clarified. Blood pressure, weight, body composition and girth measurements are taken and reviewed. Then, depending on age and physical condition, a standardized fitness evaluation is completed to determine the clients baseline fitness levels. From this information, a training program is developed which is implemented beginning with the client's second session with the trainer.
The client will also be asked to keep a log of all foods he or she consumes for a two week period. The trainer and client will develop an eating plan designed to improve the client's health and fitness to help the client achieve his or her health and fitness goals.
About once per month, a brief assessment will be completed at the beginning of a normal session to track progress. This typically includes weight, body composition, and girth measurements. At the end of a three month training period, clients may opt to use a session for a full re-evaluation to document progress made during the period.